BigFix Upgrade 95.5. > 9.5.14

Hi All
I’m planning to upgrade my env - 9.5.5 with remote MS SQL DB - to 9.5.14 tomorrow. Anyone have any documentation or steps I can follow? I’ve done a few upgrades before but just want to make sure I’m following best practices as its been a while. I’ve seen the documentation on BigFix site but it’s not terribly detailed.

Pretty sure all I need to do is log onto BigFix server with the account that runs/accesses the BigFix DB and run the upgrade process. Then upgrade consoles, relays, and clients…

Just in case, here is the HCL documentation link to the “upgrade procedure with remote DB”. Follow the doc instructions. In short, you have to run the server upgrade manually with a user that has DB access permissions.

Forgot to mention this link strictly related to the WebUI upgrade:

I expect it would be pretty straightforward and sounds like you’re on the right track.

I think it’s perfectly acceptable to go ahead and open a support ticket, just to let the team know you’re planning the upgrade and so that if you do run into problems, they can be ready to support (already having your contact info, hostname info, etc. can help cut resolution time if you do have issues). They can also have a look at your upgrade plan and let you know if anything’s missing.

As always, have good backups first and export copies of your certificate and pvk files just-in-case.

You’re doing a pretty large version jump and the besadmintool part of the database upgrade will take a while. Windows may say it’s not responding, but don’t kill it. If you want to check progress there’s a debug log - I thini at your account’s appdata\local\bigfix\besadmindebug.out if you want to tail the file and watch progress.

Oh and be sure your account has DB_Owner on the database - I’ve seen cases where DB_Owner was revoked at some point; Bigfix keeps running fine but can’t process a db upgrade in that case.

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Thank you both for the replies! We upgraded this morning without issues… Except for the webui which we ended up manually grabbing the url for the download location from the fixlet and running the setup.

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