Bigfix Task to Start Besclient Service

There is a task that will create a scheduled task to restart the Besclient service for Windows, but I am not seeing one for Unix systems. Does anyone have such a task?

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Currently there is no BESClient watchdog or similar IBM provided service/solution for Linux and Unix endpoints.

I have created a bash script that runs via cron to handle some known BESClient situations. However, I would prefer that IBM BigFix to provide a support watchdog solution as part of the product.

Accordingly, I have submitted RFE #109156 requesting that a watchdog service be added to future BES versions for NIX endpoints.

Please review and vote if you think it would help your company too.


Great RFE. Been chewing on this one awhile as well. We have Linux/AIX.

if [ “$(find /var/opt/BESClient/ -cmin -120 | wc -l)” -eq 0 ]; then
if [ “$(uname)” == “Linux” ]; then
/sbin/service besclient restart
elif [ “$(uname)” == “AIX” ]; then
/etc/rc.d/rc2.d/SBESClientd restart

Thank you. I hope folks in the community vote for the RFE. I’d much rather have watchdog functionality built into the product vs. our current/crude implementation.

Just FYI. I had to take our watchdog a bit further because we were having instances where a BESClient PID existed, but the service was not doing anything. We coined this the “zombie state” and were able to identify this state because the daily BESClient logs were either not present or not being updated.

I’m stealing your term. :slight_smile:

Indeed that’s why my logic is in essence “if there haven’t been any updates in two hours to anything under /var/opt/BESClient … just restart.”

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