I have been playing around with adding retrieved properties in BF and I have added what I thought would equate to attributes that would identify computers who have “unwanted” programs installed such as limewire, Kazaa, etc. Then I created an automatic group called suspect computers that would add any system showing these retrieved properties that evaluate as True. I then installed limewire on a test system and its retrieved property still reports back false even after a refresh and the retrieved property is set for “every report”. The one I set to check for Acrobat PRO is working correctly but none for the P2P apps show up . . .
The “regapp” inspector only works on applications that register themselves in the Windows operating system. It can’t work on applications that don’t install in this way or do not install at all. It especially won’t work for applications that don’t want to be found.
It’s best to have a computer handy with the applications installed to test out relevance statements.
Thank you for the reply, what constitutes the application registering with the OS? I was under the assumption that if an entry is created in Add/Remove then the application should certainly be registered with the OS (which limewire does)? If this is not the case then has anyone else been able to achieve a method of looking for these applications using BF?
Programs that are installed correctly according to windows guidelines create a key under the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths. Applications that have a key entry here can be accessed using the “regapp” command, such as “names of regapps”.
Thank you very much noah, that is good to know. I am now looking into checking to see if a specific registry key exists for a given application and this is working so far.
Is there a suggested way to search for “unregistered” applicaions. Given that most of the things that are of interest may not be registered through the normal channels.
We use the “On-Access Scanner” part of the Anti-Virus application to detect/delete/block/report etc on unwanted programs. A lot of AV programs have this functionality these days. It’s obviously easiest if you have centrally controlled management of the AV app.