Has anyone looked into using the BigFix Remote Control client with a non-Oracle JAVA installation?
We are trying to avoid getting hit with a Licensing charge now that Oracle is switching the license model for JAVA.
Has anyone looked into using the BigFix Remote Control client with a non-Oracle JAVA installation?
We are trying to avoid getting hit with a Licensing charge now that Oracle is switching the license model for JAVA.
Seems to be an option.
We use AdoptOpenJRE and AdoptOpenJDK https://adoptopenjdk.net/
They , as far as I know, are the only site to offer both JRE and JDK.
The Remote Control Server and Controller (the only two components which are Java based) are shipped with an embedded IBM JVM 1.8.0 so in my opinion there is no need for an external JVM. The only way to use an external JVM is by setting always.use.preinstalled.controller = false (the default value). In this way a .jnlp file is downloaded from the server and the Java Web Start feature of the local installed JVM will be used. However the JWS feature has been deprecated by Oracle and it will be removed in the newer version of the Oracle and IBM JVM. So I suggest you to install the Controller application and set the environment as specified here:
In this way a different file will be downloaded when a session is start (.trcjws) and the Controller will be used to open the file. Note that the Controller is started using its embedded JVM.