HCL Software is pleased to announce the availability of BigFix Remote Control version 10.0 FP7
New content:
- We added support for macOS targets in Managed mode. With this feature macOS targets now support the full set of Remote Control session capabilities (managed, peer-to-peer, unattended and on-demand).
- We now support Remote Control targets on all Apple hardware including the M1 architecture.
- There is a new widget on the Deployment Status Dashboard that provides monitoring and warning of certificate expiration.
Resolved Defect Articles:
- KB0100656: Managed mode controller connection fails
- KB0099719: Unable to connect when system proxy is used
- KB0099404: High CPU load of Broker on RHEL 8
- KB0099153: Issues in “Configuring the server for single sign-on after installation” topic
- KB0099081: Connection not secure message on browser
- KB0098999: Incorrect documentation for log4j.logger.com.bigfix
- KB0098983: Missing information in certificate install documentation
- KB0098732: Compressed option for recording export function failing
- KB0098501: Controller messages with Thai Language are not working
- KB0098495: Target crashing because of PAC file processing failure
- KB0098341: Error using untrusted certificate when installing
- KB0089204: Remote Control may fail to retrieve license information from the BigFix License Server
- KB0097090: SSL usage not documented
- KB0090980: “Change My Password” shown with LDAP authentication enabled
- KB0100548: Target machine cannot rejoin existing session
Published site version:
Remote Control, site version 74 (Build Number 10.0.0736)
With kind regards,
The BigFix Remote Control Team