BigFix prerequisites VC++ 2005


Is BigFix dependent in any way on the VC++ version?
Now that VC ++ 2005 is not supported any more, is it safe to be uninstalled from BigFix servers?

I could not find any dependencies between these 2 and a confirmation would be great.

Thank you!

I can only comment on the platform, but we have been building with newer VC components for a while, and our installers will place the required items on the system when it updates. The issues will be more common on Server component machines which install the runtimes. The clients and relays on Windows use local resources to not be dependent on the installed VC components.

That being said, it will depend on the version of the BigFix platform you are running and you should be cautious of removing this. Other components could rely on it (SQL for example) or other parts of the non platform part of BigFix.

The safest way on your root server to remove this for example would be right before you were going to do an upgrade as if anything required it from the BigFix components, it would put it back.


Thank you!
I did not think about uninstalling it right before upgrade, great idea.