BigFix Lifecycle Lite

Is anyone familiar with Lifecycle lite and what is it capable of? Our Rep sent me the incorrect information but I cannot find any info on it so I can see what it offers. The rep indicated that it will do the sql patching (Fail Over), This was one of #1 reasons we were going to go with it, and the offline patching capabilities. Can anyone point me to so documentation on it?

Thanks in advanced

@roberteastman, I’m not familiar with “Lifecycle Lite”… however, I believe you’re referring to the Server Automation component of the Lifecycle module.

Have you activated the Server Automation external site and subscribed your endpoints?

If you don’t see the Server Automation site under the Lifecycle group in the License Overview dashboard of the BigFix Management domain, then you’ll need to work with your rep to have your license updated.

We ended up purchasing the full lifecycle product.

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There is actually an HCL product called Lifecycle Lite or Lifecycle Starter. I have heard my rep speak in both terms. It gives you the full Software Distribution and some of the other Lifecycle production (not many).

@DanPaquette should be able to clarify.
Last I understood, Starter Kit for LifeCycle included Asset Discovery and Software Distribution, but did not include Inventory.
I’m not certain about Server Automation, Insights, MCM, or Cloud.