Hi. My root server updated to and since then, remote deployments from the BigFix labs site have begun failing with the error below:-
CTGRI0006E An error occurred when writing to the remote file named ‘/tmp/~CSRI0’/‘rhelinstalltemclient.sh’ .
AgentDeploy executeTasks is ended
IZNAGG0007I Exiting the main thread.
Main thread exiting with return code 1
Red Hat 6.5/CentOS 6.5 servers affected
Anyone else seen this happening?
Yes, Same thing happening here. Is there any support out there for this tool? Consistently failing on RHEL 6. The tool creates the work directory under /tmp but generates an error trying to save the script file. Currently using v1.0.446. Thanks
IZNAGG0010I Exiting TEMAgentDeployment.openTargetConnection() …
IZNAGG0015I Successfully opened a connection to rhel6-1.
IZNAGG0009I Entering TEMAgentDeployment.determineOperatingSystem() …
IZNAGG0046I Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.5 (Santiago).
IZNAGG0047I [Return Code] 0.
IZNAGG0048I [Command line] uname -m.
IZNAGG0050I [Stdout] x86_64.
IZNAGG0046I Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.5 (Santiago).
IZNAGG0010I Exiting TEMAgentDeployment.determineOperatingSystem() …
IZNAGG0043I Copying the file rhelreporttemclient.sh to /tmp/~CSRI1 …
IZNAGG0052E The following error occurred: CTGRI0006E An error occurred when writing to the remote file named ‘/tmp/~CSRI1’/‘rhelreporttemclient.sh’ …
IZNAGG0018I Closing the connection to rhel6-1.
To correctly put the files on the target machine the scp client must be installed.
run the following command from a different machine to verify that…
scp user@ip_address:sample_file.txt /tmp/