Bigfix inventory scanner installer

Is there a way to install the BigFix Inventory v9 scanner (usually done by the fixlet “Install or Upgrade Scanner” via “offline” installer rather than using the fixlet? We need tools other than bigfix to install the scanner.

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so you dont have BigFix for this tool?

When we build a server we use a bootstrap process with a different tool to install the bigfix client. I want to use that same tool to install the scanner rather than using a fixlet.

We don’t provide instructions for this, but you could look at the fixlet and do what it does via another tool/script.

Some fixlets do require BigFix server to receive runtime parameters. That way just following fixlet commands will not bring expected result like with with Install or Upgrade Scanner fixlet.

I’ll submit a RFE to have a standalone installer. thanks

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@cstoneba I had talked with the BFI engineers a few months back about this idea. It was pretty much a non-starter and they insisted we use their fixlet for install.

As for trying to write a script that reproduces the actions of the fixlet, there’s a lot going on in the BFI scanner install fixlet. If possible, I think it’d be really difficult.

Thanks for submitting an RFE for a standalone installer.

I wonder how the fixlet “Download the DIsconnected Scanner Package…” differs from what i’m after?

I guess this makes a difference:

You must obtain the approval of IBM Compliance before you use disconnected scans. To request for such an approval, contact your Sales Representative who can get in touch with IBM Compliance on your behalf.