Bigfix inventory - oracle 12.2

Any plans on when Oracle 12.2 will be recognized by the “Get Oracle Features” fixlet in BFI?

“Using ReviewLite script from Master Action Site”
*********** BEGIN ***********
Output Folder Path = C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client\LMT\ORACLE
N1 objItem = OracleServiceORCL --> c:\users\xxxxx\documents\product\12.2.0\dbhome_1\bin\ORACLE.EXE ORCL
Failed to recognize database edition., error number=0, error msg=

I will have an answer for you early next week :slight_smile:

Hi, the script should work with db version 12.2, so we need to investigate.
For the start, could you answer the following:

  1. Are you using the newest version of the Get Oracle Features script? From which BFI site version?
  2. What Edition of Oracle database is being used on the computer where script failed?
  3. Can you send the full text of the script log file?

You can send this to or open support ticket and we can work there.

Also, in few days from now we plan to deliver new version of Get Oracle Features script (as part of BFI content pack which will have updated logic and possibly will fix the issue. I can also send an early version of this script earlier if you drop me an email to check if this helps.