I’m having frequent issues connecting to the Forum, due to SSL certificate issues, when browsing from Chrome on Android 4.4.2. Not every time, but frequently, and for hours at a time.
Anyone else seeing this? I think it may be because the server is presenting only the server certificate, and not a full certificate chain…
I’ve been doing most of my browsing on my iPad, no problems with the certificate seen from here.
@JasonWalker what error message are you getting? Can you post a screenshot?
The certificate viewer on my current, working connection appears to show the same certificate fingerprints, so I don’t think my wifi connection at the in-laws’ house is being hijacked.
Thanks @JasonWalker – I’m looking into this.
This looks like the likely issue: https://meta.discourse.org/t/android-chrome-ssl-issues/18248
@JasonWalker, you were right on the money with your first post. The issue was that we weren’t presenting the full certificate chain, including the intermediate certificate. I installed the intermediate certificate and checked it using Verisign’s certificate checker, so I think we should be good. Please comment here if you see the issue again, though.
Great, thanks so much! It’s working now (but it always did work intermittently). I will post again here if I see other failures.
It’s passing the ssl test at sslshopper.com now, so that’s also a good sign.