Bigfix forum certificate issues?

I’m having frequent issues connecting to the Forum, due to SSL certificate issues, when browsing from Chrome on Android 4.4.2. Not every time, but frequently, and for hours at a time.
Anyone else seeing this? I think it may be because the server is presenting only the server certificate, and not a full certificate chain…

I’ve been doing most of my browsing on my iPad, no problems with the certificate seen from here.

@JasonWalker what error message are you getting? Can you post a screenshot?

Worked most of today, then I got yhese, now it’s working again.

The certificate viewer on my current, working connection appears to show the same certificate fingerprints, so I don’t think my wifi connection at the in-laws’ house is being hijacked.

Thanks @JasonWalker – I’m looking into this.

This looks like the likely issue:

@JasonWalker, you were right on the money with your first post. The issue was that we weren’t presenting the full certificate chain, including the intermediate certificate. I installed the intermediate certificate and checked it using Verisign’s certificate checker, so I think we should be good. Please comment here if you see the issue again, though.

Great, thanks so much! It’s working now (but it always did work intermittently). I will post again here if I see other failures.

It’s passing the ssl test at now, so that’s also a good sign.