BigFix Development Server

Does anyone here have a development instance of their BigFix server? Or does BigFix have a dev license for existing customers or anything?

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BigFix is not licensed per manager instance but metrics associated to agents. I use a development instance but I have problem with custom content because de process of export content and import to production do not carry the fixlet ID and every external reference that I use to the fixlet ID must have the ID for Dev and another ID for Prod.

As @Caiopierno stated BigFix is licensed by endpoints. So you can have as many root server installations as you want as long as those installations do not exceed the total number of endpoints you are licensed for. In order to get a development environment setup just go to and create a new serial number with a few endpoint licenses and then download the authorization file the system generates for you. You can use that auth file to install your dev instance. You can go back at any time and change the allocation amounts between the two serial numbers you now have in case you need more dev systems, for example.

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I wanted to expand on that question a bit more and also check if anything has changed as of 07/2018?

If a goal is to set up a dev simple server for rest api integration, is the easiest way to install either the trial or a fully licensed server on a dev machine?

Basically want to run smple queries against the BigFix rest api endpoints, e.g.:
as outlined in this getting started

The resource @dmccalla referenced has steps for installing the server, but is there anything more automated for dev or qa environments?
Are there any docker images or any other approaches tailored for aws or azure?

It’s hard to containerize a generic BigFix instance because it is tattooed with your license information.

I think containers can deal with that, but let’s not use this thread for that discussion.
As a total newb, what are my options for getting to the point where I can test simple rest calls against BigFix server?

Any official of community supported

  • docker images?
  • VMs?
  • build scripts?
  • cloud hosted instances?

If none of the above, using the installer with all of its dependencies (sql server, etc…) must be the only option. And if so, is this 2013 walkthrough the right one to follow:

As a total newb, what are my options for getting to the point where I can test simple rest calls against BigFix server?

Any official of community supported

docker images?
build scripts?
cloud hosted instances?

I guess I don’t know what official community supported is, but AFAIK there are no docker images or VMs available for download of the BigFix server. There have been some half-hearted build scripts, but I don’t recall their status. By cloud hosted instances, do you mean is the bigfix server supported in the cloud? If so, the answer is yes. If you are asking if there are any free-use demo cloud instances, then I don’t think so.

If none of the above, using the installer with all of its dependencies (sql server, etc…) must be the only option. And if so, is this 2013 walkthrough the right one to follow:

That might be a good guide, but I would use the official one via IBM: IBM Documentation

(make sure you open up the Table of Contents on the left side of that page).

Thanks @jhickok,

By community supported I meant an open source project that got good traction in terms of usage and support (contributions).