BigFix console WEbreports issue

I think you should open a ticket with support via . They shoukd be able to walk you through manually updating the Web Reports database schema.

Ah, the problem of having only a test site for learning. No tickets possible. So I beg :stuck_out_tongue:

Working on this…

I have found that the dbversion needed is ‘74’, and my current version is ‘73’.

As it took a while to discover the db2 commands to run to find the version - I add them here for others (ever curious).

su - db2inst1
db2 connect to BESREPOR
db2 "select Name, Value from dbo.DBINFO where Name = 'Version'"

FYI - ‘dbo’ is the SCHEME and ‘dbinfo’ is the TABLE.

$ db2 describe table dbo.dbinfo

                                Data type                     Column
Column name                     schema    Data type name      Length     Scale Nulls
------------------------------- --------- ------------------- ---------- ----- ------
NAME                            SYSIBM    VARCHAR                     32     0 No
VALUE                           SYSIBM    VARCHAR                     32     0 Yes

  2 record(s) selected.

Once I have a better understanding of the UPGRADE process, I’ll post more.

As promised - more - with the solution (that worked for me at least!)

To be safe, I did a backup of everything. And re-reading my first notes when I was “teaching myself” I saw I had stumbled over somthing like this before - and had, what turned out to be, the solution!!!

Just download the Server component, unpack, and run manually - with a special option (or two actually!)

[root@t430 ServerInstaller_9.5.14.73-rhe6.x86_64]# ./ -upgrade -reuseDb
Welcome to the upgrade of IBM BigFix version
Info: Stopping WebUI service ...
Info: Stopping server services ...
Info: Configuring the database for the server component, please wait ...
Info: The database for the server component was configured successfully.
Info: Stopping the client service ...
Info: Stopping Web Reports service ...
Info: Configuring the database for the Web Reports component, please wait ...
Info: The database for the Web Reports component was configured successfully.
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl status iptables.service
Unit iptables.service could not be found.
Info: The service 'BESRootServer' started successfully.
Info: The service 'BESFillDB' started successfully.
Info: The service 'BESGatherDB' started successfully.
Info: The service 'BESClient' started successfully.
Info: The service 'BESWebReportsServer' started successfully.
Info: The service 'BESWebUI' started successfully.
The 'IBM BigFix' upgrade completed successfully.

Now - I want to add that I suspect the automated upgrade (that looks very similar to this) because I am also testing BFI. My attempts to backup kept failing because an import process (if I understand the name correctly it is a BFI import process of some kind).

In any case, before running the -upgrade -resuseDb command above I also stopped the server first AND, as db2inst1, checked that “db2 list applications” was blank (which it wasn’t, so I then ran “db2 force applications all”.

With all applications quiet - I hope the above gives you the same pleasure it did to me!

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It’s always great when you can find a solution to a very tricky problem - congratulations!

(I’ll be stashing this in my notes now, thanks!)

I am having an issue with the webreport site… Click the link and message states a database error has occurred
Any help would be appreciated