BigFix Compliance Question

Hello, Running BigFix version 10.0.4 on Windows 2016.I have enable BigFix compliance and gathered the Windows 2016 STIGS. I create a custom Checklist just fine. However when ever I select a fixlet in the customsite I get a error message "Content within this application coming from the website listed below is being blocked by Internet Explorer. Enhanced Security Configuration,

about :blank

Other than turning off IE Enhanced Security is there any other remediation that can be done.

IE always create problem, also sometime its status is completely misleading !!! I would suggest try with Chrome/Firefox & see.

How do I have the console leverage Chrome as opposed to IE. Is there a clientsetting?

You cant I miss understood & was stating in ref. to Compliance portal, my bad !!!

But even in case of console you can validate that from any other machine however the error which you are seeing its not related to BigFix, rather on IE or OS configuration.

@ncpeteusa The BigFix Console leverages the OS IE browser control as the renderer for all the HTML content found within the Console and this cannot be swapped out for a different control.

This is actually something we have had to deal with in the past on Windows 2016 Server, especially when the user logged on is an Administrator. As you mentioned turning off IE Enhanced Security does resolve the issue, but you may be able to work around that by adding about:blank to the Trusted Sites Zone.


If you want to continue protecting your administrators, there is a way to disable IE Enhanced Security for just users, while keeping it in place for the administrator accounts. When you want to use the console, login to the server using a non-administrator account (or launch the console “As A Different User” and leverage a non-administrator account).

Alternatively, you can install the BigFix Console on a workstation instead which is not configured with such restrictive settings.