BigFix client settings

Hello Guys,

Can anyone suggest how to set bigfix relay to particular computer group.


Take a look at this forum entry. It talks about using group membership.

You could use this as your relevance for a fixlet that assigned a relay.

Not that exactly I am looking for the below as :

My requirement is to set BES relayServer1 address to a particular computer group.

Perhaps you mean Relay Affiliation. Clients use a Seek List which consists of a semi-colon separated list of Relay groups. Relays use an advertisement list which contains one or more semi-colon separated names of all the groups to which the Relay(s) and Server belongs. Check the documentation here:


No thats not again.

I think I am unable to explain the exact requirement.

There is a computer group ( already created) as “Windows_Machines” and all the clients are already configured with relays/ primary server.

Now the changes to be, a task to be created “set BESRelayServer1…” on the “Windows_Machines” group so that any new client automatically configured with the mentioned Relay.

I am stuck here. I know relay affiliation but this is diff.

Sometimes the easiest way is to make the change through the “Edit Settings” dialog for a computer, and then see what the generated Action Script does.

The Action to change the relay would be something like

setting "__RelaySelect_Automatic"="0" on "{parameter "action issue date" of action}" for client

setting "__RelayServer1"="http://relayname.domainname:52311/bfmirror/downloads/" on "{parameter "action issue date" of action}" for client

The Relevance would be something like

(member of group 123 of site "CustomSite_My_Group_Site") AND (not exists setting "__RelaySelect_Automatic" whose (value of it as integer = 0) of client OR not exists setting "__RelayServer1" whose (value of it = "http://relayname.domainname:52311/bfmirror/downloads/") of client


Yep “Edit Settings” is the easiest but it varies with customers decisions.

thank you, this is what I wanted to implement.