Bigfix client Bulk removal for servers about to be retired

I am in the middle of a large liffecycle project and need to remove the client from a long list of servers that are being retired. Is there a Fixlet or task that would make this possible?

thanks in advance,

You could use the REST API in a task to do this…

api/computer/{computer id}
Marks a computer as deleted in the database.

wait cmd.exe /C for /f %i in (C:\DeleteComputerIDs.txt) do ( {parameter "cURL" of action} -k -u {parameter "RemoteOP" of action}:{parameter "RemoteOPPass" of action} -X DELETE https://{parameter "BFServer" of action}/api/computer/%i )
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To uninstall the BigFix Client, take action on Task ID: 219 TROUBLESHOOTING: Uninstall BES Client, and target the servers in question. The second action will completely remove all traces of the client.

Note: The BES Clients will not be able to report the final status of the action because they will be removed before the action completes. Instead, the BES Clients will stop responding and the action status will report back as ‘Evaluating’, ‘Failed’, or ‘Running’. You will need to manually remove the computer from the BES Console after the BES Client is uninstalled.

Removal of the Computers from BigFix can be accomplished as @menglish66 suggested, or you could wait for your computer removal scheduled tasks to clean things up.

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Thank you very much! This will work for me.
Thanks again,