BigFix Asset Discovery RedHat 8.7

Deploying BigFix server to Redhat 8.7. WE are planning on using asset discovery. When we deloy the plugin service the various command run but we are getting error code 5 and the plugin service is NOT installed.

Since this a newer version of RedHat I am wondering is there are dependcies for the Plugin service that may be newer than what is in version 108 of the asset management site. We did not have this issue when we deployed to Redhat 7.9

Hey Peter,
You do need the


package on RHEL 8 x86_64 machines so the unmanaged asset scanner works. I’d check that first.

Reference: System requirements

thank you very much dependency hell. The downloads should reflect this. I know the asset discovery site hasn’t been updated in awhile. Needs some love