Bigfix 9.5.x w//DB2 on Linux- Issues

RHEL 7.7 BigFix 9.5.12 , DB2 …I believe that the system had a hard power off, however, the following are repeatable messages in the error log.

The following DB2 error messages are in the system log:

*A Temporary Table could not be created because there is not available system temporary tablespace that has a compatable page size =SQL State 54048

  • Database Error SQL0204N session.visible_computer is an undefined name. I presume these events are closely related…

So the real question is :

    • Do we drop the BFENT table and reinstall BigFix or …
  • -Within the LINUX install media is the tablespace information readily available, so that we can view the characteristics of session.visible_computer , so we can recreate, And also increase the system temporary tablespace …

Lastly there is no existing file system is over 45 % on the system so there is plenty of space.

The db2diag.log would help here (see: /home/instance_name/sqllib/db2dump/ db2diag.log). Check if you have any “container error”. If your system has free disk space, then It could be a permission problem. Also verify the disks has read/write mode.

Thank you… I haven’t used DB2 in a while… rusty skills