BigFix 8.0 Client Silent Install Not Working, Worked in 7.2

(imported topic written by tscott91)

I have a Windows startup script that installs the BigFix client… It has worked fine when on 7.2. Installs silently with no issues. When I upgraded to 8, and also upgraded the install files, the silent install has quit working.

This is the bat file I run on startup that worked silently before but now prompts for “next” etc…

if exist “c:\program files\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client\BESClient.exe” goto AgentFound

\SERVER\BigFix\Setup /s /f2"C:\BigFixInstallLog.log"


Obviously this is a pretty big issue as I don’t want a user powering on any old PC’s that don’t have the client and then me getting a call asking what is showing up on their screen.


(imported comment written by NoahSalzman)

Info forwarded to me from a developer:

You should use the MSI command-line options, which the Client install now supports.

His replacement command would be:

setup.exe /s /v"/qn /l*voicewarmup “C:\BigFixInstallLog.log”

(imported comment written by tscott91)


What is the |*voicewarmup ?

(imported comment written by MrFixit)

A value of “voicewarmup” will enable all the logging options. The “*” is wildcard.


There is an open doublequote after /v, but no close quote. Where was that supposed to be?

Don’t see many questions resurrecting a thread a decade later! should explain all