BESRemove Command Line Options

(imported topic written by jclark91)

I have been trying to use the BESRemove- utility to remove BES Clients from selected machines. My command line is as follows:

BESRemove- /silent /client

I am issuing this from a Bigfix custom action using RunQuiet.exe.

We actually move RunQuiet.exe , delClient.iss, and BESRemove- to a temp folder and then issue the command.

When I issue this command, I get a pop-up message on the endpoint that tells me that if I specify the /client switch, that I must also either specify the /relay and /server switches or use the /force switch.

I have been looking for a description of what each of these command line options does but can’t seem to find it.

I have been to the following page and reviewed the Bigfix Remover Utility documentation:

(imported comment written by Aram_Eblighatian)


The reason you are receiving that pop-up message is because you are trying to remove the BigFix Client from a machine that is also either running a BigFix Relay, or a BigFix Server. Removing the BigFix Client from either a Relay or a Server will cause either of these components to fail as they are dependent on the BigFix Client to function. As such, the pop-up you are receiving is really mostly a warning. If you wish to proceed with the removing the BigFix Client from a Relay or Server, you will have to use the /force switch as well. Another option is to first remove the Relay or Server component, then remove the BigFix Client.

