Besclients not reporting


We’ve 100 nodes in our infrastructure and some clients are not refreshing automatically. I manually have to send them refresh.
What might be the possible issue with that?

Thanks in advance.

I don’t know what you mean by “not refreshing automatically” and I also don’t understand exactly what you mean by “I manually have to send them refresh”, in this context.

It sounds like you are talking about last report time, but I am not certain.

@jgstew yes i’m talking about last reporting time, i have to go manually on few client right click->send refresh then last reporting will be changed. Mentioning this happened on few clients.Can you please explain why automatic refresh cannot been send to these few clients??

Thank you

A force refresh is different than a normal report.

I don’t know why this is happening for you, but sending a force refresh should not be required to get the last report time to update. The clients should be sending reports at regular intervals all the time.

How far out of date does the last report time get when you are doing this?

What is your client heartbeat set to?

You would need to check the logs of these clients to see how often they are sending reports. It could be that you have a relay that is misbehaving and not getting the reports like it should or it is getting overwhelmed with reports. Do the clients with this problem all use the same relay?