BES Tasks - Not Appearing In Left Pane Treeview Subgroups

(imported topic written by SystemAdmin)

I may be missing them, but it appears certain Tasks are not visible in the subcategories when drilling down in the treeview in the left pane.

The tasks i noticed are:

BES Relay Setting: Dynamic Download Throttling - Reference #458

BES Relay Setting: Dynamically Throttle Outgoing Traffic - Reference #459

BES Server Setting: Dynamically Throttle Outgoing Download Traffic - Reference #462

This seems to be because their Category is “BES Relay Setting” and “BES Server Setting” and not “BES Server/Relay Setting”. Makes for some confusion in the GUI. Is there a way to have this corrected or new tree view categories created?


(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hi jspanitz,

This should be fixed now. Thanks for pointing this out!


(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Excellent. Thank you!