Bes client upgrade v7.2.4.60

(imported topic written by SystemAdmin)

Hello BigFix,

I was upgrading my test plateform from BigFix v7.2.1.375 to v7.2.4.60 and used the following fixlet:“Updated BES Client Now Available!(Version” for Bes client upgrade.

The current status of the action is “Fixed” , however when showing the action info, it seems that the last wait command failed !

wait “{pathname of client folder of site “BESSupport” & “\StopServiceThenRunProgram.exe”}” BESClient “__Local\Get\BESClientUpgrade.exe -s -a -f2”{location of regapp “BESClient.exe”}\upgrade-""

Is this command working correctly? or is there any update for this fixlet?

Thanks in adavnce!

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hey Marie,

Sometimes the reporting behavior of the upgrade Fixlet shows some quirks like this because the agent has to stop itself to do the upgrade… If the action came back as “Fixed”, then I think you are OK, but you can verify by checking the BESClient.exe version number if you want to be sure…


(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Hi Ben thanks for your reply!

i checked the BESClient.exe version which is ok, so according to what you said the client was correctly upgraded!

I just find it a bit strange, if the result is the same for 89 clients!