I have noticed that I have a large # of pc’s that are reporting to an old BigFix server. I ran the BES Client Deployment Wizard and noticing old versions of the client which haven’t reported to my new BES in a while.
I started using BES Asset Discovery. A few questions regarding this site.
Will BES Asset discovery consider a client with an old client and an old masthead an unmanaged asset? If no, is my alternative BES Client Deployment Wizard?
Once I install a new client with the new mastheaed, will the client disappear from the Unmanaged Asset tab or do i have to manually delete them?
Is there a way to install a client from the Unmanaged Assets tab or does this have to be performed from the Client Deployment wizard?
If I have mutiple sites/subnets …is it best practices or necessary to install a Scan Point in each subnet/location or can they cross subnets to receive this information (ie. I have a site with various subnets and was wondering if I need a Scan Point on each subnet).
Its a real pain dealing with old mastheads when you’re old BigFix server is gone.
Asset Discovery uses unauthenticated network information to determine if the BES Agent is installed, but it unfortunately doesn’t have enough information to know which BES Server the BES Agent is reporting to.
Yes. Once the BES Agent is installed, the next time the agent is scanned it should disappear from the unmanaged asset tab.
Not in BES 6.0, but we are planning on having a “right-click” launch the BES Client Deployment tool in future versions.
You can set up a single scan point to scan multiple subnets. Either way will work (one scan point per subnet or scanning multiple subnets) and I would do whatever is most convenient.
You should consider setting up an old BES Server with your old masthead so that it will “collect” agents from your old BES Server. I know you guys have been a customer for a long time and maybe have BES 2.0 Agents roaming around there, but at least you should be able to control the agents on the older server and move them to the new server.