Baseline Components Run in wrong order

Hello all,
I have a baseline that is responsible for a line of settings on relevant computers
The baseline runs as policy , and worked fine until recently.
For some reason the actions run not in order, some of actions are skipped some failed as a result of wrong order and some reported complete even though the action was not perfomed correctly.
I had to Format the PC to resolve all the issues.
Is there any reason for such thing to happen?
Thank you in advance

Baseline components always run in the order in which they are defined in the baseline. However any components where the relevance evaluates to ‘False’ are skipped.

If the baseline has options to ‘Retry on failure’ or ‘Reapply whenever it becomes relevant again’ it is possible for the baseline to be re-executed on the machine, in which case the components are re-evaluated. It’s possible a component that was not relevant on the first pass has become relevant on a later pass and in that case it will be executed on the retry/reapply.

It is not guaranteed that a baseline will run without interruption. It’s possible for several components of the baseline to execute, and then another action or baseline can execute, and then return to complete the remaining components of the first baseline.

Thank you for your answer.
What I saw ,was that for some unexplained reason , one of the baseline components stayed on “evaluating” status, while all the components after it stated to receive “complete”. In addition some of these components had a command to delete temp folders they created before completing the action, witch wasn’t done either.
All the temp folders remained in place and I had to clean everything by hand.
after some components I had a restart action witch executed before completing the actions above.
This baseline worked fine for me till now. And I didn’t change anything. it runs as policy.
What can I do to ensure that this does not repeat