In 10.0.2, I have a baseline in a custom site (siteA). The baseline relevancy is set to All Computers and I have computers subscribed to siteA.
When I add taskA (from siteA) to the baseline and check the relevancy checkbox, endpoints become relevant for the baseline (endpoints are relevant for taskA).
When I add taskB (which has zero relevant endpoints) from siteA to the baseline and check the checkbox, all the clients that were relevant for the baseline become not relevant.
Relevant - "baseline123" (fixlet:826)
At 22:07:18 +0000 -
Report posted successfully
At 22:08:18 +0000 -
GatherHashMV command received.
At 22:08:18 +0000 - CustomSite_siteA (http://rootserver:52311/cgi-bin/bfgather.exe/CustomSite_siteA)
Downloaded '' as '__TempUpdateFilename'
Gather::SyncSiteByFile merging files - count: 1
At 22:08:18 +0000 -
Successful Synchronization with site 'CustomSite_siteA' (version 1430) - 'http://rootserver:52311/cgi-bin/bfgather.exe/CustomSite_siteA'
At 22:08:19 +0000 -
Processing fixlet site.
At 22:08:20 +0000 - CustomSite_siteA (http://rootserver:52311/cgi-bin/bfgather.exe/CustomSite_siteA)
Fixed - "baseline123" (fixlet:826)
At 22:08:28 +0000 -
It is acting as if the task relevancy checkbox is AND-ing the relevancies, not OR-ing them. I have another 10.0.2 environment and this isn’t doesn’t exist. I do have other baselines in this deployment that have multiple tasks within them that are relevant and working as expected Any suggestions?
I do also have this siteA added in the bes admin tool section to allow for running on locked clients.