Let me expand on this question: What would happen if a baseline (that has an open action that doesn’t end) is created for patches. As an admin approves a patch and adds it to the baseline, with the open action will computers then get the patch or would the action need to be stopped and then a new action created with the updated baseline?
The baseline action will take a copy of the baseline and even if you change the original, it won’t affect the action. This is done by-design to prevent problems associated with “unintended consequences” of changing baselines (for instance, what if you changed the baseline and this action started running on some servers to patch/restart them and you didn’t realize that would happen if you changed the baseline… this is the kind of scenario we wanted to avoid) … here is a relevant recent feature request on this topic:
Thanks for the answer Ben. I don’t disagree with that concept at all - I wouldn’t want to be the one that somehow brought down mission critical servers… I just wanted to make sure I understood the process completely as we fine tune our procedures for our Admins.