I used the method I found in the IBM Knowledge Center 9.1 and it wasn’t hard to create the group. The problem is that, after updating, the group doesn’t actually populate with any computers. I can’t figure out why.
Even when I make an Automatic Group with a very simplistic filter, i.e. Device Type - contains - server, the group does not populate.
I must be missing something…
Any help is appreciated.
I am posting the relevance code here. “TPADW” represents part of the hostname that distinguishes a development computer. I want all endpoints containing TPADW, device type of Server, and an OS that is not Linux.
(version of client >= "") AND ((exists true whose (if true then (exists (computer name) whose (it as string as lowercase contains "TPADW" as lowercase)) else false)) AND (exists true whose (if true then (exists (if (exists true whose(if true then exists device type else false ))then device type else(if (exists value of settings "_BESClient_DeviceTypeOverride" of client)then (value of setting "_BESClient_DeviceTypeOverride" of client)else(if(it starts with "Mac OS X")then(if(it contains "Server")then "Server" else (if(((exists key whose(it as string as lowercase contains "battery") of entries of dictionaries of nodes of it) OR (exists node "AppleACPIPlatformExpert/SMB0/AppleECSMBusController/AppleSmartBatteryManager" of service plane of iokit registry)of it)of service plane of iokit registry)then "Laptop" else "Desktop"))else(if(it starts with "Win")then (if(it as lowercase contains "mobile")then "Mobile" else(if(it = "Win95" OR it = "Win98" OR it = "WinME")then "Desktop" else(if(nt workstation product type != product type of operating system)then "Server" else(if ((exists active device whose((class of it as lowercase = "battery" OR class of it as lowercase = "system") AND service key value name of it as lowercase = "compbatt")) AND (exists active device whose(class of it as lowercase = "battery" AND service key value name of it as lowercase = "cmbatt"))) then "Laptop" else "Desktop" ))))else(if (it contains "Linux" OR it contains "AIX" OR it contains "Sun" OR it contains "HP-UX" OR it contains "VMware") then ("Server") else(if((it contains "ios" OR it contains "android" OR it contains "ipad" OR it contains "iphone" OR it contains "ipod" OR it contains "smartphone" OR it contains "msft-" OR it contains "nokia" OR it contains "palm" OR it contains "pocketpc" OR it contains "htc")of(it as lowercase)) then "Mobile" else "Unknown")))))of name of operating system) whose (it as string as lowercase contains "Server" as lowercase)) else false)) AND (exists true whose (if true then (not exists (operating system) whose (it as string as lowercase contains "Linux" as lowercase)) else false)))