December 5, 2010, 10:50pm
(imported topic written by kboris)
I need to deploy Microsoft patches by automatic to computer group.
For this I created baseline and added patch as like component and apply this baseline to computer group.
I created Action and this is works .
If I add to baseline a new component ( new patch for deploy ) action doesn’t deploy .
For deploy a new component I have created a new action and old action I have deleted .
Is this scenario correct ? Is there another way or scenario for deploy MS patches?
I want to add to deploy MS patches manually .
December 7, 2010, 9:04pm
(imported comment written by Lee Wei)
You are seeing the correct behavior.
When you take an Action, it is effectively a snapshot of the baseline definition at that point in time.
Imagine a scenario where Operator A approves and signs an action for a baseline.
Operator B then adds some components to the baseline. The action approved by Operator A does not change.
Lee Wei
December 7, 2010, 11:32pm
(imported comment written by kboris)
Many thanks Lee
This very strange . If operator A in two days want to add a new patch to current deploy ?
Is this one scenario for deploy MS patches only ?
Is there way to refresh action configuration ?
December 7, 2010, 11:37pm
(imported comment written by kboris)
we want to create a scenario that every time that new patch added manually (approved) it is implemented on all endpoints in that particular group
December 7, 2010, 11:38pm
(imported comment written by Lee Wei)
You are correct that there is no way to refresh the action.
We will have to stop the existing action, then restart a new one.
December 9, 2010, 5:14am
(imported comment written by JackCoates91)
there’s a design goal here… think of it in terms of change control. An action is a signed policy stating that things will be done. If that list of things changes, it’s not the same action any more, and a new signature must be generated. In Lee Wei’s example, this clarifies Operator A’s actions from Operator B’s actions.