Automatic deploy MS patches after manually approve

(imported topic written by kboris)


I need to deploy Microsoft patches by automatic to computer group.

For this I created baseline and added patch as like component and apply this baseline to computer group.

I created Action and this is works .

If I add to baseline a new component ( new patch for deploy ) action doesn’t deploy .

For deploy a new component I have created a new action and old action I have deleted .

Is this scenario correct ? Is there another way or scenario for deploy MS patches?

I want to add to deploy MS patches manually .

(imported comment written by Lee Wei)


You are seeing the correct behavior.

When you take an Action, it is effectively a snapshot of the baseline definition at that point in time.

Imagine a scenario where Operator A approves and signs an action for a baseline.

Operator B then adds some components to the baseline. The action approved by Operator A does not change.

Lee Wei

(imported comment written by kboris)

Many thanks Lee

This very strange . If operator A in two days want to add a new patch to current deploy ?

Is this one scenario for deploy MS patches only ?

Is there way to refresh action configuration ?

(imported comment written by kboris)

we want to create a scenario that every time that new patch added manually (approved) it is implemented on all endpoints in that particular group

(imported comment written by Lee Wei)

You are correct that there is no way to refresh the action.

We will have to stop the existing action, then restart a new one.

(imported comment written by JackCoates91)


there’s a design goal here… think of it in terms of change control. An action is a signed policy stating that things will be done. If that list of things changes, it’s not the same action any more, and a new signature must be generated. In Lee Wei’s example, this clarifies Operator A’s actions from Operator B’s actions.