Automatic client deployment when new system enroll into my AD

Hi all

Is there any possible way to deploy IEM client into new devices which is eroll into my AD or any other possible way to deploy client in new machines automattically…

NOTE: Asset discovery method is currently we are using but we need automatic deployment of client into endpoints.

Thanks & Regards

Yes, you can push out the client MSI using GPO.

Any special settings to be aware off in the GPO? Use the MSI or EXE? I heard there were some issues with the client trying to install at every login. Maybe a quick write-up on how to make the correct policy in AD and make it sticky?

I have never done it myself, but I know some within my organization do. There should be an IBM article on it somewhere.

Very old post: BigFix client deplpy with AD GPOs?

I know there are other ways of doing this (like calling the MSI directly and bypassing a Batch file) but this way I can keep the MSI in one central location and only have to update it there…

Ok here we go…

Create a Batch file (ex. BigFixGPO.bat) with the following lines:

echo off

IF “%ProgramFiles(x86)%”=="" (goto 32bit) else (goto 64bit)

echo 32bit System >> %windir%\BigFixGPOInstallLog.txt
IF EXIST “%Programfiles%\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client\BESClient.exe” (goto end) else (goto BFMP)

echo 64bit System >> %windir%\BigFixGPOInstallLog.txt
IF EXIST “%Programfiles(x86)%\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client\BESClient.exe” (goto end) else (goto BFMP)

echo Starting to map drive for installation >> %windir%\BigFixGPOInstallLog.txt
net use “\\\share” Password /user:Username /PERSISTENT:NO
echo Mapped drive for installation >> %windir%\BigFixGPOInstallLog.txt
goto BFinstl

echo Installing BigFix Client >> %windir%\BigFixGPOInstallLog.txt
ping -n 1 -w 3000 >NUL
msiexec.exe /i “\\\share\BESClientMSI.msi” LIMITUI=1 /qn
echo Installed BigFix Client >> %windir%\BigFixGPOInstallLog.txt
goto end

echo Completed >> %windir%\BigFixGPOInstallLog.txt

Then create a new GPO and add the batch:
GPO Setting: \Computer Configuration\Policies\Windows Settings\Scripts (Startup/Shutdown)\Startup

Copy the Batch file in the policy folder (on the DC under the sysvol location). The easiest way to get there is to click the “Show Files…” button in the GPO and drag/drop the batch file in it.

Then add the batch file in the Startup Properties.

Apply the GPO to an OU containing your COMPUTERS and voila…

Hope this helps some others…

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