Automated way to change ldap password

We have a requirement to change passwords for service accounts every 45 days. The tool used to manage the passwords has the capability to run actions after password changes to automate the changes on servers for applications.

Is there a way to automate changing the ldap user password (from a script)? I can update the database password via the besadmin tool, and the webreports using the configuration files. But the only way I know to update the ldap password is to log into the console as a master operator, go into LDAP directories and modify the password in the gui.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Hello MattPeterson,

I haven’t tried that, but I think REST API should be able to update LDAP directory password.
Please see the following link for details:

Note that BESAPI.xsd includes the following line for <xs:element name=“LDAPDirectory”>

<xs:element name="Password" type="xs:normalizedString" minOccurs="0"/>
