Automate BigFix AV Definition Updates

(imported topic written by MountainMan91)

I was asked to use the ActionRegenerator to send BigFix AV definition updates to all workstations and servers. I created a user and execute the ActionRegenerator every day at noon. My questions: Is there a way that I could create another job that would send every day the definition update to a small group before the “big update”. I already tried the following things:

I created a custom copy of the original fixlet “BigFix AntiVirus - Update Definitions”. When I run the ActionRegenerator against it, I get the following message: ERROR: Couldn’t load Fixlet ID 00-1189 (also tried 1189) from “BigFix AntiVirus”… I thought that I would need to make a copy of it as I can only run the original once. I made a batch file that is copying the correct config file before launching the ActionRegenerator. Is there a way to use the original fixlet, but with a defined group and before I ran the “BigUpdate”, a cache or file can be cleared to make the system think that I am pulling down the data for first time for that day?

(imported comment written by BenKus)


Probably the error you saw was due to the fact you made a copy of the Fixlet and so it no longer was in the “BigFix AntiVirus” site, but was in the “actionsite”.

But here is what you can do accomplish the “little update” before the big update:

  • Make a new operator with limited rights (for the “little group” of computers).
  • Make a copy of the Action Renegerator folder you currently have.
  • In the copied folder, change the config file to represent the new user you just made.

After doing this, you can basically have two instances of he action regenerator: one that runs on the little group and one that runs on all the computers.

There are other ways to do this (like adding restricting relevance to identify the “little group”) and we could do those as well, but you still probably would have two instances of the action regenerator.


(imported comment written by MountainMan91)


Thank you so much for helping me out.

I did not know that this can be done so easily. I tested it for a couple of days and it works great. You saved me so much time! Thanks again.

With kind regards,

The MountainMan