Nice work Jason.
I’ve been working on #2 today, and keep getting a failure. We do our initial push of BF client using group policy, so I’ve been trying to keep things as one MSI file to allow that to work.
To get the _BESClient_SecureRegistration setting, i’ve edited the bigfix client installer MSI using Superorca and added a row to the registry table, which seems to work, where it adds our Relay password to the registry settings installed when the client is installed.
however it keeps failing with “Failed to register the authenticating relay with the provided password”.
I look in the registry, and instead of the password, it has an entry starting with {obf} and then an entirely different password. I’m thinking that it is doing some kind of encryption on the password to store it in the registry.
If i then run the manual command to BESClient -register [http://:52311] it will register and work normally. I was wondering if i need to embed the relay into the registry and have tried a few entries based on what appears after the manual command succeeds, but that isnt working so far.
Has anyone tried to get the MSI to do this automatically?