Asset Discovery - IEM v


Where can I find the latest version of the Asset Discovery Manual? I followed the install steps per link:!/wiki/Tivoli%20Endpoint%20Manager/page/Asset%20Discovery%20-%20Troubleshooting?section=DataCollection but when I run scan I get managed systems reported into the Unmanaged Assets tab. I intentionally uninstalled BES agent on my test Windows 7 client then ran a scan against it but it did not report in as unmanaged.

Has anyone successfully ran nmap to discover unmanaged assets in your environment?

Thanks for all the help,

Hello Rich,

You can use this link for more information regarding the Asset Discovery for 9.2.

You can also download the PDF Guide here:

Have you tried enabling the debug logging for the NMAP scan? You might be able to see some errors that could possibly cause this issue.

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