Applicable Computers different from Take Action list

When trying to execute a custom fixlet, we are attempting to run a batch file as the local administrator user rather than the default BigFix authority.

We have a group of computers that are of similar hardware build, but for some reason BigFix has them tagged as a combination of both desktop’s and servers, as noted by the varrying icons in the computer list.

When using the override to run it as the local administrator, part of the requirement of the override commands is the password field for running as the local user. If we have the field as “password=required” we only get machines that are tagged with the desktop icon in the console. If we remove that field we are able to see all computers of the group.

Has anyone run into a similar issue before?

I haven’t run into that. Another data point that might be worth checking is whether having a logged-on user makes a difference, and whether a console logon is different from RDP. I’d check the ‘User Name’ property, just to see if the difference is really servers vs desktops or if it’s logged-on vs not logged-on.

Either way it may be a bug, so please open an incident so Support can look at it.