API POST: /api/actions (BES XML for the action) How do I pass html tags?

The below is the XML I am passing to /api/actions. Notice the parameter name Test. the &lt; and &gt; are not converting to < > in the Bigfix console. Instead they are inserting the literals. Has anyone else successfully passed HTML tags inside of the XML post for bigfix actions?

   <BES xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="BES.xsd">
          <Parameter Name="test">&lt;test&gt;</Parameter>


Have you tried passing them without escaping?

obviously passing this would be invalid XML.

<Parameter Name="test"><test></Parameter>

Try using CDATA to escape.

<Parameter Name="test"><![CDATA[<test>]]></Parameter>
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You can also try this site:


It works for me. I had problems with the “é” sign, but this solved it for me (use the Unicode Value).

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Thanks Steini44 - the unicode solved it!

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