This version should work, but it is going to be a bit unwieldy due to the userprofile of the agent is system. As a result, the traversing of all of the users will be quite inefficient and may result in multiple and identical results if the shortcut is in more than one profile.
I am sure there are more efficient ways of doing this, but this would certainly get you started in the right direction.
(pathnames of (shortcuts of (find files “nvision.lnk” of folders of folders ((it & “\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs”) of (pathnames of (folders of folder (preceding text of last “” of (value of variable “USERPROFILE” of environment as string))))))))
Be aware that “USERPROFILE” in the environment will be that of the SYSTEM account and on Windows 8 for example is C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile which won’t help you much.