Analysis that will identify if the machine is Online or Offline

Hi, please help to create an Analysis that identifies if the machine is Online(how many days?) or Offline (how many days?)



Your best bet is to use the Last Report Time property in the console for this. You can use web reports to show only machines with a last report time of > # days ago.

The problem is that with BigFix the server doesn’t do any of the analysis result calculation, the client does.

So for a property to determine how long the client has been online, the client has to know about the property and report on it, “I’ve been online for three days”. If the client is offline, it can’t report on this value, so when that client that has been online for three days goes offline for three weeks, the entire time it will just show its last reported value, “I’ve been online for three days”

You can use this custom report to check the status in web report for active server counts

Active Server Counts (as of <?Relevance now ?>)

Windows (<?Relevance relative significance place 3 of (number of bes computers whose (operating system of it as string as lowercase contains "win" AND value of result (bes property "last report time", it) as time > now - 1*day) as floating point * 100 / (number of bes computers whose (operating system of it as string as lowercase contains "win")) as floating point) ?>% Reporting)

Windows servers reporting in the last day:

<?Relevance number of bes computers whose (operating system of it as string as lowercase contains "win" AND value of result (bes property "last report time", it) as time > now - 1*day) ?>

Windows servers not reporting in the last day:
number of bes computers whose (operating system of it as string as lowercase contains “win” AND value of result (bes property “last report time”, it) as time < now - 1*day)

Linux (<?Relevance relative significance place 3 of (number of bes computers whose (operating system of it as string as lowercase contains "linux" AND value of result (bes property "last report time", it) as time > now - 1*day) as floating point * 100 / (number of bes computers whose (operating system of it as string as lowercase contains "linux")) as floating point) ?>% Reporting)

Linux servers reporting in the last day:

<?Relevance number of bes computers whose (operating system of it as string as lowercase contains "linux" AND value of result (bes property "last report time", it) as time > now - 1*day) ?>

Linux servers not reporting in the last day:
number of bes computers whose (operating system of it as string as lowercase contains “linux” AND value of result (bes property “last report time”, it) as time < now - 1*day)

Other: <?Relevance number of bes computers whose (operating system of it as string as lowercase does not contain "linux" AND operating system of it as string as lowercase does not contain "win") ?>