Analysis SCA custom check list

Yes i m taking about x-fixlet-scm-id , if i generate this with then i think i need to generate this for all custom fixlet which i create by hand? Is it?

Do i need to create the same for respective analysis as well? Is it mandatory to have analysis for SCM reporting?


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yes this needs to be done for all the custom fixlets. And the guid’s need to be unique. The analysis also needs to have the x-fixlet-scm-analysis-id, but if you do not need Measured values or more information from analysis properties, then you can skip it.


Thanks for your awesome support , i will try and let you know if i face any issue

Rohit, when i tried to add x-fixlet-id to my custom fixlet and re-run the report after data import , it did not generate scm report for my particular Task/ fixlet.

Hi Rohit, can you please share any sample custom fixlet which is working for you with scm-id option?

This works for me.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<BES xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="BES.xsd">
		<Title>Custom Fixlet</Title>
		<Description><![CDATA[&lt;enter a description of the problem and the corrective action here&gt; ]]></Description>
			<Value>Wed, 18 Jul 2018 01:26:00 +0000</Value>
		<DefaultAction ID="Action1">
				<PreLink>Click </PreLink>
				<PostLink> to deploy this action.</PostLink>
			<ActionScript MIMEType="application/x-Fixlet-Windows-Shell">// Enter your action script here</ActionScript>

Thanks for your reply , where you have given GUID for SCM reporting? However i have created one fixlet with custom GUID and it came into report.



blahblahblah is the uuid i used but you can use any unique id.


Thank You , it is working as expecting . I think i do not need analysis then for SCM reporting as fixlet / task is sufficient for this

thank You