December 13, 2006, 5:29pm
(imported topic written by makousks91)
I’ve put together an analysis that contains 74 properties.
I cannot get the total output. I only get reports on 14 of the properties.
Is there a limit to the amount of properties a analysis can contain?
December 13, 2006, 9:00pm
(imported comment written by jessewk)
No, there is no limit. When you say you only get reports on 14 of the properties, where are you looking and what are the symptoms that make you say only 14 are reporting? What screen are you looking at? Console or Web Reports? Do the computers say or can you not see columns for the output.
I think we need a little more information to help you out. Can you please describe exactly where/what you’re looking at?
December 13, 2006, 9:20pm
(imported comment written by makousks91)
Let’s start with the console.
If I open my analysis and click on the Details page I can see that I have 74 seperate property checks.
If I click on the Results tab I see 729 Applicable Computers / 14 Analysis properties.
So what happened to the rest of the properties?
those 14 are the only things I see in the web too.
FYI: I sliced and diced this analysis together from 6 separate analysis. Cut and Paste.
I’d be willing to send it to you privately.
December 13, 2006, 9:51pm
(imported comment written by makousks91)
I noticed that after exporting the analysis that it was the last 14 properties that were showing up.
So…I removed them. Imported the new analysis. Saw 60 analysis properties.
Went back to the old analysis, and simply removed a few “tab” / “spaces” in the editable version of the analysis (notepad) and it works now.