Out of sheer interest and curiousity, I created this Analysis to retrieve information about installed Oracle databases on Windows boxes.
Note the following:
I will probably include a few other statements to check for Installed Oracle Clients. Right now, it is only checking for Servers.
Another property of interest might be the TNSListeners running on each box.
The attached export is from BES 6.0. If you need to create this in a 5.1 environment, you will have to open the file and past the Managed Properties in manually. In 6.0, it is a simple import.
Let me know if there are any other attributes of interest.
This analysis is excellent. Is it possible to also add a property to this analysis to report on Oracle client version? If you run “SQLPLUS -v” it will report the actual version, but I was looking to see if this can be done natively within a BES property using registry or something else.
I amde an attempt to add the propeties to your xml file myself. I used notepad as the editor I hope this is OK. Is there a way to test this before I import this into BF? Attached is my attempt at this. Try not to LOL to hard.
I am new to BigFix, but I have a lot of experience with Oracle.
The only reliable way to know what version of Oracle is running on the server is by asking Oracle directly. I don’t know yet how to do this with the BigFix client, but here is how you can do it (on windows but you can use the same approach on Unix) with a script.
First, you need a text file that contains the following query:
select * from v$version;
Let’s call it version.sql
Then, the command to run it (assuming that the BigFix client has access to sqlplus and all the libraries needed) is:
sqlplus -s /@ @version.sql
Then, on my installation, I get the following result:
It would not be difficult to do this in a BES Task, but we wouldn’t want to create a task that requires the oracle id and password because then it would be visible in plain text in one of our files on the client. Is there a way we can do this query using NT Authentication? If the SYSTEM account has access, that would work, or we could even use the credentials of the current user if needed.