After reinstalling SUA, tema.log contains fatal error


After I reinstalled SUA, I get fatal error in the tema.log.

Started GET "/sam/catalogs/CIT_catalog_LINUX.xml.bz2"
I SRVE0292I: Servlet Message - [tema]:.[FATAL]
ActionController::RoutingError (uninitialized constant CatalogsController):

Somebody faced same issue?

Hello, this has been identified as defect.

After reinstalling SUA, the tema.log file contains the following FATAL error:

Started GET “/sam/catalogs/CIT_catalog_LINUX.xml.bz2” for at 2014-12-08 09:04:21 +0000
[12/8/14 9:04:21:092 UTC] 0000002f
I SRVE0292I: Servlet Message - [tema]:.[FATAL]
ActionController::RoutingError (uninitialized constant CatalogsController):

This issue is caused by several intermediate steps that are related to the software catalog.

When you upload the software catalog to SUA (which is the case also during the initial import), the catalog is divided into smaller scanner catalogs. Those catalogs are delivered to your endpoints to discover your software. They are delivered by using the Catalog Download action that can be viewed in the Endpoint Manager console (go to Actions). If the catalogs are delivered successfully, the action is closed. In this case, however, the action failed and instead of terminating, it tried to deliver the said catalogs.

Moreover, SUA was reinstalled which complicated this problem. After installing the new instance, the action once again tried to deliver the catalogs. The initial import in SUA was not finished yet, hence the catalogs could not be delivered. This caused a fatal error to be written in the log file.

Run the initial import in SUA and wait until it finishes. The software catalog will be uploaded, and a new Catalog Download action created. Remember that some issue caused the previous action to fail and the problem might repeat. To avoid it, you can deliver the catalogs manually to your endpoints. For more information, see Uploading scanner catalogs (