(imported topic written by SystemAdmin)
Will the critical update to Reader 7.0.8 (to 7.0.9) be availabe in the Updates for Windows Applications soon? Looking to update our clients as soon as possible. Thanks.
(imported topic written by SystemAdmin)
Will the critical update to Reader 7.0.8 (to 7.0.9) be availabe in the Updates for Windows Applications soon? Looking to update our clients as soon as possible. Thanks.
(imported comment written by nritchie91)
The Reader 8.0 update is available within the Updates for Windows application site.
I hope this helps
(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)
I knew 8.0 was available. But wondered if the update to the 7.0 versions to 7.9 would be available. It appears there is an incremental update from Adobe. We are not moving to 8.0 just yet - and want a way to patch our existing 7.8 versions. Thanks.
(imported comment written by Rolf.Wilhelm91)
Try this:
((name of operating system as lowercase starts with
"win") AND (not exists key
"HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion" whose (exists value
"ProductId" of it) of registry AND not exists values
"PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE" whose (it as string as lowercase =
"ia64") of keys
"HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" of registry)) AND (exists key
"HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\AcroRd32.exe" of registry and exists file ((value
"Path" of key
"HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\AcroRd32.exe" of registry) as string &
"Browser\nppdf32.dll") whose (language of version block of it contains
"English" and version of it as string >
"7" and version of it as string <
download http:
{(size of it = 21277080 and sha1 of it =
"9f7e02ce2979951f42fd9de4747a1b607d026b74") of file
"AdbeRdr709_en_US.exe" of folder
} wait __Download\AdbeRdr709_en_US.exe /S /v/qn action may require restart
I injected the file manually in the cache, because I do not know, how longe adobe supports this download link.
It fails using , because it was really a hot hot fix: They forgot to change the version of the reader executable, they forgot the change the title during setup and so on … My relevance is checking the version of the browser plugin, which seems to work.
(imported comment written by tim_tsai)
Fixlet messages to update Adobe Reader/Acrobat 7 to 7.0.9 is now available in the “Updates for Windows Applications” site.
ID 9071007: “Adobe Acrobat 7.0.9 Available - Adobe Acrobat 7.0.8”
ID 8071001: “Adobe Reader 7.0.9 Available - Adobe Reader < 7.0.9”
For more information on what security vulnerabilities this update addresses, see Adobe Security Bulletin APSB07-01: http://www.adobe.com/support/security/bulletins/apsb07-01.html
Rolf is correct, Adobe Acrobat/Reader 7.0.9 does not actually update the version of Acrord32.exe or Acrobat.exe past version 7.0.8, these Fixlet messages checks both the registry and file versions to verify that version 7.0.9 is installed.