Adobe Reader 9.3 Available - 0 Applicable

(imported topic written by amagewick91)

Just a quick question… I had 12xx clients waiting to be updated with this and now it says 0/xxxx. I also noticed my flash 10 numbers are firefox=0 and IE=2 now, and last week firefox was 104 and IE was something much higher.

I didn’t change anything, so what might have happened?

(imported comment written by amagewick91)

It seems that it is the console on my PC… the server console is just fine.

(imported comment written by NoahSalzman)

Try clearing your Console cache.

(imported comment written by amagewick91)

Yeah, this actually fixed me once I realized what was happening. Thanks for the link though! :slight_smile:

I was loosing my mind until I logged onto the server and saw that it as normal.