I wonder if the OpenFindDialog() function might give you what you need. I have not used it before.
The OpenFindDialog function causes the search UI dialog to pop up, and returns the id of the filter that the user selects, edits, or creates using that UI. The function takes two parameters. The first parameter is the name of the type of object to be filtered. This must be one of the following strings: “Fixlet”, “Task”, “Baseline”, “Analysis”, “Computer Group Search”, “Computer”, “Action”, “User”, or “Unmanaged Asset”. The second parameter is the id of the filter that should be initially selected in the UI, or 0. If it is 0, then the default “” is selected. Here is an example:
var ids = EvaluateRelevance(“ids of bes filters whose (fixlet flag of it)”);
var newid = external.OpenFindDialog( “Fixlet”, ids[0] );
var rel = "html concatenation of divs of links of elements of fixlet set of bes filter " + newid;
That seems promising but I can only seem to get 1 value into the Find dialog, Is there a way to import a custom filter, that would solve my current issue