Action to run only if certain services are running

(imported topic written by Franco78)

Is it possible to run a fixlet (microsoft patch) on a system, restart it, but add a success criteria line that checks for running services? So the action will not be completed until after it restarts the system and checks for running services.

(imported comment written by jgolembi)


Yes you can. In the past when I have been asked to do this I have created a second fixlet then added that to a baseline to detect the state of a machine and report on Failure.

Attached is an example of relevance to add to the custom success criteria. This could be added to a copied fixlet IE MS12-054


this could be added to a secondary task. Your choice.

//because we need this to evaluate false we dummy it up. 
if (number of running services whose (display name of it="IBM Standard Asset Manager Service") = 1) then False else True

-John G

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

The action would just fail if you depend on having a running service that won’t come back until a restart. Though it would “fix” itself when the system restarted.

If you require a restart to complete an action put the actionscript:

action requires restart

Then the status will be pending restart until the restart happens.