Action Message Doesn't Appear Sometimes!

(imported topic written by SystemAdmin)

Hello BigFix

I just wonder why when i apply action that inclusd a user message ( Before or while running ) , Sometime the message appear successfully and 10 times doesn’t appear !! , specially when apply the same action ( manually ) many times

It always appear when the machine just restarted , other wise , nothing happen

This action message is really important to me to inform the user that something happen on his machine , specially when i’m blocking him from accessing something he use !


Ahmed Hamed

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hi Ahmed,

Which version of BigFix are you running? Is the BESClientUI.exe process running?


(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

I’m using BigFix ver 7.0.9

and No , the BESClientUI is not Running , and i don’t know why

and even when i try to start it manually ( by double click on BESClientUI.exe ) , it doesn’t run !

why it is stopped , and how can i make sure that it is always running ?


Ahmed Hamed

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hey Ahmed,

If you restart the BigFix Agent, the BESClientUI.exe should restart. Also, we have a Fixlet relevant if the BESClientUI isn’t started properly…

If you find a computer that is having a problem and the BESClientUI is not running, our support team can look at it with you.


(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Even after restarting the BESClient Service , the BESClientUI is not started !

but since i have some Pcs working fine , i can’t generalize the Problem

and when i checked what is common between this failing Pcs , i found the following

  • i connect to all of them using remote desktop
  • all of them have Bigfix Antipest Installed !

Does this make sense ?

if no , i may need the help of your support team


Ahmed Hamed

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hi Ahmed,

I have BigFix AntiPest running and my BESClientUI seems to work fine… So I guess they could be related, but we haven’t seen this before…

You should contact support…
