"<table border=>" & it & html
"</table>") of concatenations of trs of ( td
"valign=%22top%22" of name of computer of it & td of concatenation (html
"<br>") of unique values of values of it) of results from (bes computers) of (bes property whose (name of it =
"Installed Applications - Windows" and name of source analysis of it =
"Application Information (Windows)"))
I made a session relevance to compare with two properties like this :
the function is to list applications not in wl.txt’s list.
unique values of (item 1 of it as string) of it whose ((item 1 of it as string) does not start with (item 0 of it as string)) of (unique values of values of results from (bes computer whose (name of it = “CARESYS-THINK”)) of (bes property whose (name of it = “list wl”)),unique values of values of results from (bes computer whose (name of it = “CARESYS-THINK”)) of (bes property whose (name of it = “Installed Application”)))
And I don’t know how to put it to the relevance you provided and to all the computer.
P.S. The property “list wl” relevance is “lines of file “wl.txt” of parent folder of (regapp “besclient.exe”)”
If I have 2 sets of strings, I can use add, minus, etc to compare the sets.
q: (
"N") A: A A: B A: C A: M A: N q:(
"Z") A: M A: N A: X A: Y A: Z q: elements of (set of (
"N") - set of (
"Z")) A: A A: B A: C
elements of (set of (unique values of values of results from (bes computer whose (name of it = “XXX”)) of (bes property whose (name of it = “Installappkeyword”))) - set of (unique values of values of results from (bes computer whose (name of it = “XXX”)) of (bes property whose (name of it = “list wl”))))
But it’s just for a computer.
I still don’t know how to modify it to the relevance your provided to each computer:
<?relevance concatenations
of trs
of (
td "valign=%22top%22" of name of computer of it &
td of concatenation (html " ") of unique values of values of it)
of results from (bes computers)
of (bes property whose
(name of it = "Installed application" and
name of source analysis of it = "Installed application"))?>
I tried this to directly insert the computer name.
<?relevance concatenations
of trs
of (
td "valign=%22top%22" of name of bes computer whose (name of it = "XXX") &
td of concatenation (html " ") of elements of (set of (unique values of values of results from (bes computer whose (name of it = "XXX")) of (bes property whose (name of it = "Installed application"))) - set of (unique values of values of results from (bes computer whose (name of it = "XXX")) of (bes property whose (name of it = "list wl")))))
I don’t have your custom properties, so the statements are not properly tested.
I am cautious about fact that you are moving the white list file to the endpoints, then back to the server. Especially if they are big files.
These processing should be done on the endpoints, but I know that you have run into a bug.
( name of it, elements of ( set of (values of results from (bes property whose (name of it =
“Installed application”)) of it) - set of (values of results from (bes property whose (name of it =
“list wl” )) of it) ) ) of bes computers
This one has the formatting for better output and suitable for Web Reports
<?relevance concatenations of trs of ( td of name of it & td
"valign=%22top%22" of concatenation (html
"<br>") of unique values of elements of ( set of (values of results from (bes property whose (name of it =
"Installed application")) of it) - set of (values of results from (bes property whose (name of it =
"list wl" )) of it) ) ) of bes computers ?>