About computer group

(imported topic written by bearandy)

We want to create a automatic computer group whose name is non-group.

Is there a relevance or method to select the computers that are not in group yet?

Thanks for help.

(imported comment written by mcalvi91)

if you want all the systems into the group then you make the relevance true.

(imported comment written by bearandy)

Thanks for answer.

I just want to create a group and select the computers which are not in any group.

Not select all

(imported comment written by Lee Wei)


We cannot create a Computer Group with computers not already in the group.

The group membership and inclusion are done by the endpoints.

What we can do is run a Session Relevance statement that is basically (All Computers - Computers in a Group).

The “set” operator is useful for this and here is an example statement. It will return the names of all computers not in the “Huff Building” computer group.

names of elements of (set of bes computers - member set of bes computer group whose (name of it = "Huff Building"))

Lee Wei