A singular expression is required

(imported topic written by SystemAdmin)

im trying to see if a server is 2003 standard or enterprise

Q: if (string values of selects “caption from win32_operatingsystem” of wmi) contains “Standard Edition” then true else false

E: A singular expression is required.

taken from this

Q: if (exists wmi) then (string values of selects “caption from win32_operatingsystem” of wmi) else (“N/A”)

A: Microsoft® Windows® Server 2003, Standard Edition

I: plural string

(imported comment written by cstoneba)

it should be value, not vlaues. This works for me.

if (string value of selects “caption from win32_operatingsystem” of wmi) contains “Standard Edition” then true else false

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

that was it… thank you :slight_smile: